I’ve tried encouraging friends and family to help me build a community
or a club to help clean out a few places of interest and I have failed
countless times with their skin color as reasoning. They said, “It’s not us
Chinese who is polluting the place with rubbish, it’s those damned Filipinos.” Well
I’ve seen the Chinese with their share of throwing rubbish straight out the
window of the car countless times to say that we are all responsible. Shame on
all of you for having such a mindset!
This is our home, the place where we most probably will live the rest of
our lives at. We are all under the same roof whether we like it or not, we have
a job to keep our home clean. If every one of us is waiting for the other
person to start cleaning, the world will never be clean. We will be sitting and
waiting and doing nothing. Why not make ourselves a little more productive and
start taking the lead? It doesn’t matter who throws the rubbish, what really matter
is who has the initiative to clean it all up.
We need a new way of thinking, one that doesn’t involve skin color. We
need to wake up to the fact that we must do something or it will be too late.
Let us Sabahans all work together as one, with only one color in mind, we
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